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Crystal Wonderland

Smudge Stick - White Sage & Spearmint 10cm Spiritually Healing and Protection


Smudge Stick - White Sage & Spearmint 10cm Spiritually Healing and Protection


 To use a smudge stick hold the tip over a burning candle for around 30 seconds then blow out any flame and fan the stick with a feather or smudge wave.

Package content: 01 Sage Spearmint Smudge Stick

Size: 10cm


  • Never burn incense unattended and always keep it out of reach of children.
  • Burn incense in a suitable incense holder or incense box in a well-ventilated area. 
  • These Smudge Sticks are chemical-free.
  • All of our Smudge are sustainably wild-harvested and are not commercially grown.

Smudge Stick - White Sage & Spearmint 10cm Spiritually Healing and Protection
